Friday, May 22, 2020
An Analysis of Conrads Heart of Darkness Essay - 1465 Words
An Analysis of Conrads Heart of Darkness In the twentieth century, nihilistic themes, such as moral degeneration, mans bestial instincts at the core of the soul, and cosmic purposelessness, have preoccupied many works of literature and philosophy. Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness is no exception. In his novel, Conrad uses a unique writing style to explore mans fundamental fallibility and moral confusion in an existential world through†¦show more content†¦Finally, in the books resolution, Marlow visits Kurtzs Intended and not having the heart to tell her the awful truth of mans dark soul, lies to her about Kurtzs last words. Running throughout the book is the theme of the heart of darkness, which is in man. Though at first darkness is referred to superficial ideas such as the undiscovered and mysterious lands at the heart of Africa or the African ¡Ã‚ ¯s dark skin, it is soon made clear that the true darkness is the evil in man ¡Ã‚ ¯s heart, beneath all of society ¡Ã‚ ¯s expectations of him. If left to his own devices, as the Company employee was, man would run wild and evil. To be left unaccountable to any superior authority is more than any man can bear, and eventually his own evil will drive him mad. This is what happened with Kurtz. Renowned at first for his ingenious ideas of bringing education and civilization to the dark continent of Africa, Kurtz eventually degrades himself as Marlow soon finds out when he finds Kurtz wasted away physically and morally. Consumed by the monster that lies dormant at the bottom of every mans soul, Kurtz is openly brutal in his repression of the natives and even allowsShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Life In Joseph Conrads Heart Of Darkness2048 Words  | 9 PagesLife is a long journey; we learn, understand and find meaning with the experiences of this journey. A journey is full of experiences and from these experiences one changes from inside and out, and one starts to live a new life. In the book, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, Marlow tells a tale of himself going into Africa’s wilderness to explore and humanize, and he encounters Kurtz, who Marlow considered an idol at some point. The events that occurred and the surroundings which impacted thoseRead MoreEthnocentrism: with Whom Resides the Heart of Darkness?790 Words  | 4 PagesEthnocentrism 1 Ethnocentrism With Whom Resides the Heart of Darkness? 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